Saturday, March 15, 2014

banyak sedikit-nya yahoo

lagi ngeliatin foto foto jokowi sesaat setelah penguman megawati bahwa dia dicalonin jadi presiden di yahoo.

ada hyperlink, banyak. ..apa maksudnya,?

gue klik banyak itu, eh hasilnya ga beda siginifikan.

maksudnya banyak ini more ya? sedikit itu less?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

bug in yahoo finance site

there's a bug in yahoo finance site, on currencies center

the chart on the right, change as of mouse movement, while it should be static showing chart of preselected currency conversion.

i select USD/IDR (on the bottom). then i want to change the chart to shows the 3m timespan.
so i move my mouse to the 3m.

alas, when i move the mouse up, the row of 'selected' currecy move up to.

when it reach the 3m, the rows in on the same level of my mouse position.

note: i'm using google chrome.